序號 | 課程介紹 | Curriculum |
1 | 基督教的歷史I:第一個千年的教會 | The History of Christianity I: The Church of the First Millennium |
2 | 基督教的歷史II:西歐教會歷史的介紹 | The History of Christianity II: Intro to Western European Church History |
3 | 早期教會中圣經(jīng)訓誡的模式 | Patterns of Biblical Exegesis in the Early Church |
4 | 自我的建構(gòu):早期基督教和拜占庭文學中的神學與自傳 | The Construction of the Self: Theology and Autobiography in Early Christian and Byzantine Literature |
5 | 大公基督的發(fā)展:從我的尼西亞(325)到君士坦丁堡III | The Development of Conciliar Christology: From Nicaea I (325) To Constantinople III |
6 | 三位一體的教義從奧利金到奧古斯丁 | The Doctrine of the Trinity form Origen to Augustine |
7 | 古代基督教中的性別 | Gender In Ancient Christianity |
8 | 基督教史:第一次十字軍世界 | History of Christianity: The World of the First Crusade |
9 | 法律與中世紀基督教 | Law and Medieval Christianity |
10 | 當代摩門教:詮釋21世紀城市的宗教身份 | Contemporary Mormonism: Mediating Religious Identity in the 21st Century City |